Monday, May 27, 2013

Vitamin D

It's been a while, lovelies. 
Things have gotten pretty busy out at the Magnolia Pearl estate.
Shoes have been coming in and sweet clients have been coming and going so quickly, it's difficult to keep track of everything! In the hustle and bustle of everything going on, it's important to remember to take out time for yourself to just relax and bask in the sun for a while. Who knew that Vitamin D could do so much for you! Being a homebody myself, I've also learned that I need to take the time to get away from the confines of my apartment walls and just be in the presence of other people. People are wonderful and beautiful.
I hope that everyone is happy and healthy these days, spending time with loved ones, and enjoying the beautiful weather! If the weather is a little somber or just chaotic, then I hope you're safe and you're keeping your spirits up!
Hopefully, this song will do you some good. Never underestimate the power of music! This song is one of my personal favorites:

Love and best wishes,


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Jackets, Weather, and Patty Griffin

Hello lovelies!

I am happy to report that the weather has been absolutely enchanting today. 
It's amazing how much the weather can affect your mood. 
Since it's felt like spring, most people have been very cheery and pleasant, which makes everyone happy. One thing that makes me very happy is this Nanny McPhee jacket. It's probably my favorite Magnolia Pearl piece right now and it's wonderful.

One thing that has really cracked me up since I've been working in the evening is realizing all of the little weird things that I do when I'm by myself. Thank goodness no one's really around to hear me singing at the top of my lungs while I'm typing articles!

Anyway, I hope everyone has been doing swimmingly today and I thought I would post a wonderful Patty Griffin song to keep everyone in good spirits!


Monday, May 13, 2013

Shoes and Mother's Day

Who doesn't love talking about shoes?
I mean, I know I do.
Some photographical evidence of the shoes that are coming in are below:

It's a little difficult to see, but the shoes on the far right (picture above) and the on the left (picture below) have adorable buttons on the side. 

These lovely shoes should be available within the next week or two, so everyone get ready!
I have a love affair with boots and just shoes in general, so I'm particularly excited for these bad boys to be for sale! There is nothing better than flowing, graceful skirts contrasted with boots. You have the comfort of boots but still keeping the femininity with the skirts or dresses.
Plus, it looks adorable. 
So there's that.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day with their loved ones.
It took too long for me to realize that I need to appreciate my family and friends more, and I'm definitely appreciative of my mother.

"Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love."
-Stevie Wonder

Have a lovely day, everyone!


Friday, May 10, 2013

The Night Has Begun

Well ladies and gentleman, the night has begun!
I have officially started working the night shift here at Magnolia Pearl, so I'm here to answer anyone's call. Granted it's daytime for almost everyone else in other countries, but I'm here nonetheless!

I have to admit that it's a bit different working a night shift rather than during the day. However, I'm really thrilled that I have the chance to try something different and experience something that is foreign to me. I mean, isn't that what life is all about? Trying new things and expanding?

Listening to the thunder rolling in from the distance reminds me of change. As people, we are always changing and evolving in some way, much like the weather. At least it's always changing in Texas. One minute it feels like someone has lit a fire beneath your feet, and the next minute feels like you've been thrown into the next ice age.

Anyway, what I mean is that change can be a good thing. Looking at everything from a different perspective is always beneficial, especially if you do it from a positive light. And honestly, that's what I love most about Magnolia Pearl. Robin and John have this unbelievably positive attitude towards life that is infectious and are some of the most kind hearted people I've ever met.

What I want everyone to take away from this little rant is that Magnolia Pearl isn't just a clothing company: it's a lifestyle. Magnolia Pearl reflects kindness to both people and the earth, but most of all, love.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and that you spend time with your loved ones!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Winds of Change

Hello there, lovelies!
We're finally having beautiful spring weather here in Fredericksburg after that rush of cold we had recently. However, knowing Texas, the temperature will skyrocket into the hundreds within the next few days. Gotta love that warm weather!

A little birdie told me that some new shoes will be coming in relatively soon...stay tuned.

Today is definitely a day to be outside. A peaceful, breezy day.
So here's a song that hopefully inspires you to sleep in the grass, climb a tree, or just go for a walk.



Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hello and Welcome!

Hello, everyone! 
Welcome to the new Magnolia Pearl International blog! My name is Ashley, and I'm running this ship (aka this blog). I'm so excited to embark on this wonderful adventure with all of you! I decided I would post some of my favorite pictures from the most recent photoshoot with you guys to see what Robin's up to.

So some good news is in order! Within the next few weeks, Magnolia Pearl will be open during the evening (our Texas evening time, anyway), so there will be someone here to answer your call! Don't worry, I'll keep you updated on the status of that.
I'll be in touch with all of you lovelies soon!
